Selasa, 05 Januari 2016


Baiklah kali ini saya akan mencoba berbagi pengetahuan tentang game yang mirip dengan O2 Jam ini

Hmm.... Penulis belum mencoba game ini tapi

ini dia alamat websitenya

Silahkan bagi Pecinta game O2 Jam, silahkan dicoba

o iya O2 jam ada versi offlinenya silahkan kalian coba dua duanya hehe....

Senin, 21 Desember 2015

Visual Novel Sound Of Drop - Fall into Poison (Shizuku no Oto)

Visual Novel Sound Of Drop - Fall into Poison (Shizuku no Oto)


Mari kita bahas tentang Visual Novel yang satu ini............

Akhir-akhir ini penulis sangat terobsesi dengan VN ini, menurut saya Art = 9, Story = 9

Wow yang jelas anda tidak akan menyesal jika mencoba VN ini

Berikut ini adalah Screenshotnya:

Sound of drop

Sound of drop1


Cerita dimulai dari kedua gadis SMA yang bernama Mayumi Nakanobe dan Himeno Tamagawa berencana pergi jalan jalan ke taman aquarium Manten

Himeno sangat terobsesi dengan urband legend dan ghost story (kisah hantu / dongeng) dan ingin menemukan fenomena gaib di taman aquarium tersebut

Sang protagonist yang bernama mayumi, sebenarnya malas untuk pergi kesana tetapi karena dia adalah teman satu2nya maka mau tidak mau dia harus ikut bersama himeno

Awalnya cerita seperti genre slice of life (genre favorit penulis) tetapi saat tiba2 Mayumi memasuki parallel world, maka genre berubah 180% menjadi genre horror (hahaha).

Penulis sempat kaget karena belum bermain 1 jam sudah mendapatkan BAD END.......

Terdapat kurang lebih 30 BAD END

dan ada 3 Happy Ending atau ada 4 True Ending

3 True Happy Ending + 1 True Sad Ending

Well penulis tidak akan membeberkan spoiler disini karena akan membuat kalian kehilangan ketegangan nantinya saat bermain VN ini

Silahkan Beli versi aslinya di STEAM atau kalau mau versi bajakan silahkan hahahha

banyak tuh download lewat torrent

Rabu, 09 Desember 2015

Japanese Song / Lagu Jepang

Baiklah penulis iseng iseng dengerin lagu jepang yang unik, hahaha suaranya ga bagus bagus amat, cuma dengerinnya itu enak ditelinga gmana ya imut imut gitu deh....

biar ga lupa penulis taruh di blog aja

1. Rein No Sekai
2. Kona Yuki - Fumiya Midorikawa
3. 月に叢雲華に風

Kamis, 03 Desember 2015

Hero Guide Phantom Assasin

Iseng-iseng lagi ngecek dotabuff ternyata ada nickname penulis di ranking 100 besar hero Phantom Assasin

nih dia screenshotnya, liat di peringkat 75

Wow ga nyangka bisa masuk 100 besar, division Diamond 8 lagi, ngerti ga artinya Diamond?

Diamond ada division/golongan player non profesional (player yang ikut turnamen dunia) yang tingkatannya tertinggi

Macam macam division klo tidak salah ada Bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond klo ga salah sih

Penulis sudah search di google tetapi hero selain PA tidak ada nickname penulis di peringkat 100 besar.

Well cukup disini penjelasannya Selanjutnya Mungkin akan gw buat Guide Hero PA secara sederhana saja, karena penulis males banget klo bikin yang terlalu detail.....

Pertama jika kamu bermain Ranked, terutama bracket 3000-5000 MMR, jangan memilih hero ini belakangan, karena dapat dipastikan teman satu timmu bakal memilih hero carry safelane

Usahakan first pick / jika tidak first pick bilang ke temen kamu jika kamu bakal menempati posisi carry



Starting item bisa sangat bervariasi tergantung offliner musuh

penulis biasanya lebih memilih item seperti 

Tango + ring of protection + quelling blade

Tango >>>>>> wajib buat regen

Ring of protection >>>>>>>> buat dijadiin ring of basilius nantinya 

Quelling Blade >>>>>>>> jangan ada 1 pun creep yang lewat dari last hit kamu jika kamu dalam keadaan FREE FARMING

tetapi jika bertemu dengan offlaner semacam zeus, undying, bristleback silahkan beli magic wand

Jika bertemu dengan offlaner yang suka block creep, misalkan AXE, Dark Seer silahkan beli stout shield

Jika bertemu dengan ranger/jarak jauh semacam WindRanger/Queen Of Pain

silahkan membeli 1 buah clarity potion agar bisa spam skill 1 


Batle Fury build VS BKB build VS Non BKB Build

Dari ketiga macam build diatas, tingkat kesuksesan penulis di MMR 4000 +++ adalah menggunakan BKB build

yaitu langsung membeli BKB setelah Power Tread, Ring of Aquila dan Dominator 

Tetapi jika musuh tidak ada disabler bisa menggunakan versi build ketiga atau yang ke satu

Batle Fury build punya keunggulan untuk Late Game, Non BKB Build punya keuntungan yaitu dapat ganking hero dengan mudah


Playstyle dari Phantom Assasin sebenarnya sangat simple, tapi walaupun simple untuk menang menggunakan hero ini tidaklah mudah apalagi di Very High Skill Bracket

Early Game

Usahakan dapatkan dulu core item Misalkan Power Thread + Dominator, setelah itu silahkan membeli Teleport agar nanti jika dibutuhkan bisa pergi untuk bergabung dalam WAR

Jika support kamu PRO, kamu bisa free farming di safelane, jika kamu level 5 jangan ragu untuk mengharass musuh menggunakan skill 1 


Nah jika sedang ikut perang dengan menggunakan item pas2an, usahakan jangan terburu buru menggunakan skill blink, usahakan spam skill 1 dulu, pukul biasa, baru sekiranya musuh akan mati baru kamu pakai skill blink

Terlalu terburu buru menggukana skill blink dapat berakibat kamu jadi sasaran empuk musuh

Midle Game

Usahakan Midle Game item Core kamu sudah jadi

Misalkan BKB/ Batle Fury / Cranium Basher / Sange Yasha / Desolator

setelah item core kamu jadi, seharusnya kamu sudah bisa solo kill support musuh, tapi ingat jangan terlalu percaya diri maju sendirian ke wilayah musuh, karena dapat berakibat fatal

di Midle game ini, klo posisi seimbang selalu ikut perang, farming jika ada kesempatan, push tower jika ada kesempatan, solo kill musuh jika ada kesempatan


Pada Late Game ini, seharusnya kamu sudah punya item Mewah semacam Abysal Blade / Satanic / MKB, dll

Pada Late Game ini kamu bisa jadi initiator War / incer hero penting musuh

Misalkan ada hero musuh semacam winter wyvern otomatis hero ini harus kamu bunuh secepat mungkin sebelum dia mengeluarkan skil2 yang berbahaya


DAN lanjutan dari guide ini Kapan kapan aja deh........................

Rabu, 04 Maret 2015


Mungkin sebagian besar pemain dota 2 telah mengetahui fitur ini, tapi biarlah tetap saya bahas disini

Dota 2 memperbolehkan pihak ke 3 untuk mengekpose data statistik kita, misalkan hero kill death dan lain2, fitur ini bisa anda nikmati melalui web seperti atau dotabuff

Dalam hal ini penulis lebih senang menggunakan dotamax, anda bisa mengaksesnya di

Dengan cara terlebih dahulu mengekspose public data match didalam dota 2 ingame, setelah itu buatlah id di dota max, dan login, masukkan id dan password ke dotamax, hati2 jangan sampai terkena scam/penipuan masukkan id dan password hanya di website dotamax / dotabuff yang berdomain .com, klik syncronize data, maka profile stats anda akan ditampilkan

Dotamax selain mempunyai fungsi menampilkan stats anda, dota max juga menampilkan stats player lain, termasuk stats top player, yang MMRnya diatas 6000, selain itu juga ada pilihan untuk menonton live streaming yang disediakan oleh top player tersebut, jadi kita bisa melihat bagaimana cara bermain player yang MMRnya diatas 7000, menarik bukan?

Sabtu, 13 September 2014


ahahaha akhir akhir ini saya lagi addicted sama Web Novel yang bernama


Yang mentranslate Web Novel ini saat ini adalah Baka Tsuki, ini link webnya :

Baiklah karena saya lagi addicted sama Web Novel yang satu ini maka saya akan coba mentranslate Web Novel ini dari BakaTsuki (bahasa inggris) menjadi Bahasa Indonesia

Tapi sebelumnya penulis sekedar mengingatkan, bahwa penulis tidak berbakat dalam hal kata baku, dan tata bahasa dalam bahasa Indonesia, jadi terjemahan ini hanya untuk Kesenangan Penulis saja

mohon maaf jika terjadi banyak kesalahan di dalam terjemahan ini.....


Kami sedang berkemah di luar pada hari itu.
Dan pada akhirnya bisa menjual banyak bahan makanan dengan harga yang tinggi.
Karena kekurangan bahan pangan di wilayah selatan telah kita pecahkan masalahnya, kami akan pergi ke Utara untuk menjual barang dagangan.
Meskipun masih tersisa satu gerobak makanan, itupun untuk burung yang rakus itu


Si burung memasukkan kepalanya kedalam gerobak dan mulai makan.


Aku telah mendengar Tahap Uzai pada suatu tempat sebelumnya.
(catatan: kata Uzai asli dari bakaTsuki, yang tidak diketahui artinya)

Meskipun makhluk ini pertumbuhannya sudah berakhir, dia masih punya nafsu makan yang tinggi. Biaya makan sehari-hari tidak dipermasalahkan, disisi lain kami berkelana sangat cepat.

  1. cart and starts devouring.
  2. "Delicious~!"
  3. I've heard the Uzai Phase somewhere before.
  4. (tl note: どっかで聞いた事のあるウザイフレーズだ No idea what Uzai Phase means)
  5. Although this fellow's growth is over, she's still a glutton. The everyday food costs are nothing to scoff at. On the other hand we travel extremely fast.
  6. However, the carriage goes through some abuse as various unreasonable actions are performed.
  7. The repair costs are also quite hefty......
  8. "What should I do"
  9. In this case, maybe the carriage should be made of metal instead of wood. Firo is also complaining about how light it is, and considering the higher durability.
  10. Raphtalia overcame her motion sickness, but the g-force from Firo's full speed is ridiculous.
  11. Maybe the shock will be reduced if i add in a spring.
  12. My money has been accumulating nicely. I'm looking forward to meeting the old man from the weapon shop.
  13. That weapon shop in the center of the castle town sells the best weapons.
  14. I don't know where the other heroes buy weapons and armour, but I haven't found a shop that sells better equipment than the old man's weapon shop.
  15. "Master~"
  16. Squish...... Firo hugs me and presses her feathers feathers to my face
  17. It's the north so it's a bit cold. Therefore, Firo's feathers that have her body temperature are nice and warm.
  18. "Ehehe~"
  19. "Muu......"
  20. For some reason after I sit down Raphtalia also clings to me.
  21. "Hehehe, everyone is nice and warm together"
  22. "It's getting quite hot for me......"
  23. Though I don't leave this position because it's still somewhat chilly.
  24. "Firo get off. The temperature will be just right after that."
  25. "No~, If anyone should get off it's Raphtalia onee-chan. Stop monopolizing Master!"
  26. "I'm not monopolizing anything!"
  27. Noisy!
  28. "Both of you go to sleep!"
  29. "But......"
  30. "Master~ let's sleep together~!"
  31. "I need to prepare medicine before we arrive at the east area."
  32. In response to the large amount of medical herbs i've acquired, I start mixing treatment medicine zealously.
  33. Though you never know whether or not you have enough......That is the difficulties of peddling.
  34. "Boo......"
  35. Firo parts from me and sulks to sleep.
  36. At the same time Raphtalia enters the carriage. Rather than it being comfortable, it's preferable to sleeping on the ground.
  37. "Now then."
  38. I continue to work on the medicine while tending the fire.
  39. "Naofumi-sama"
  40. "Hm?"
  41. I heard Raphtalia's voice from the carriage.
  42. Then I see Raphtalia beckoning me to the carriage.
  43. "What's wrong?"
  44. "...... Can we sleep together?"
  45. "You too?.....honestly"
  46. Though they look like adults they are still children. Being lonely is a given.
  47. "How bout you sleep with Firo in her human form."
  48. "I'm not's just......"
  49. Raphtalia looks down shyly and fidgets.
  50. That reminds me of the time she was crying non-stop at night......a considerable amount of time has passed since then.
  51. "Naofumi-sama.....was there anyone you liked.....? In your original world?
  52. "huh? No not really."
  53. Why would she want to talk about earth?
  54. I don't get her intentions.
  55. "What's up with you?"
  56. "Um......I'm just wondering what Naofumi-sama thinks of me"
  57. What?
  58. Hmm......That fucking woman appears in my mind, but there is no reason to get angry at Raphtalia.
  59. As to the reason why that fucking woman is in my mind, I have no idea.
  60. "At this moment Slave isn't a very fitting position for you"
  61. "Then.....Is there anything else?"
  62. "Anything else?"
  63. While I tilt my neck questioningly, Raphtalia has a very delicate face.
  64. (Tl note: Delicate? にラフタリアは何とも微妙な顔をする )
  65. "You trust me. So I trust and value you too......"
  66. "O-Okay!.....hmm?"
  67. Raphtalia nods with a smile, and returns to bed in the carriage with a puzzled face.
  68. "Now then"
  69. I continue working for our next peddling trip.
  70. By the way, our respective levels from the fights that happen occasionally.
  71. Me Lv 37
  72. Raphtalia Lv 39
  73. Firo Lv 38
  74. I'm even lower than Firo. Is it because I need more Exp to Level?
  75. No, these two are attackers. Especially Firo who is more aggressive and agile compared to Raphtalia, obliterates enemies in the blink of an eye.
  76. So she would gain experience quicker.
  77. Raphtalia's attacks gradually speed up and is very reliable.
  78. We arrive at the eastern area of the country.
  79. What can I say. The nearby trees are all dead and the air is heavy.
  80. Though it's not particularly cold around here.
  81. I observe the soil, and it's dark enough to be comparable to black.
  82. When I look at the sky the clouds are thick,and the big mountain range slowly grows.
  83. What an ominous feeling.
  84. "Umm"
  85. I had to check the map again because the road was cracked.
  86. "Firo, head towards the mountain"
  87. "Okay~!"
  88. "Also you two, make sure to cover your mouth with a cloth. An epidemic seems to be spreading in this neighbourhood."
  89. "Okay"
  90. Before we arrive at a farm village I also cover my mouth for a minimum amount of defence.
  91. ".....Is that person......peddling? Sorry, but in this village a plague is spreading *cough*.... please evacuate."
  92. A villager explains to us while having a painful coughing fit.
  93. "I know. That's why I came to sell treatment medicine."
  94. "Is-Is that true!? We're saved."
  95. The villager starts running and reporting that a peddler with medicine arrived.
  96. ......the situation seems to have become considerably tense.
  97. there is some anxiety about the amount I have.
  98. My anxiety comes true, it seems the whole village needs medicine.
  99. "It-It's the carriage of the famous holy bird! The village is saved!"
  100. Uwaaa......Such high expectations.
  101. If the medicine is not effective my hard earned trust will plummet.
  102. It can't be helped.
  103. "Where are the fellows who need medicine?"
  104. I should use the most effective method of giving them the medicine personally.
  105. "Here. Saint-sama
  106. (Tl note: Jesus shieldbro in the house.)
  107. Though I've been called a saint for a while now it feels a little unsettling. Though it's a lot better than being looked at with disgust as the Hero of the Shield.
  108. We were guided to a building where the people with the most serious symptoms were gathered.
  109. This is probably an isolation facility.
  110. There is a graveyard at the back, and several brand-new grave posts were seen.
  111. ......No wonder this place smells of death. I'm sure this is an unpleasant atmosphere exclusive to graveyards and hospitals.
  112. I'm not confident that this will be solved with only treatment medicine.
  113. I shouldn't be conceited because I deciphered a mere Intermediate class recipe.
  114. Moreover, If the treatment medicine is not effective then we're screwed.
  115. But.....If the treatment medicine works I'll be able to make a large sum of money.
  116. Still...... It's unsettling. Even though the deciphering was difficult, the effects may not necessarily be that much better.
  117. Next time I stop by the Pharmacy I'll ask for a High Class Recipe book.
  118. "I would like to see Wife!"
  119. "Okay"
  120. I woke up a woman who won't stop coughing and give the medicine little by little.
  121. Pa..... Light spreads around the woman.
  122. Was it effective? colour returned to the woman's face. That's great. It seems to have worked.
  123. "Next!"
  124. When I look up all the villagers are staring at me with their eyes open wide in surprise.
  125. "What's wrong?"
  126. "Uh-Uhmm......"
  127. The child who is laid next to the woman is pointed at.
  128. Some time ago he was coughing just as bad as the woman.
  129. Hm?
  130. He's dead......?
  131. I confirm the child's breath.
  132. What a relief. He's still alive; However, he was just having a coughing fit. Why has it stabilized?
  133. "what happened?"
  134. "when the saint gave my wife medicine, the breathing of the child next to them also seems to have softened."
  135. Hm..... Is this due to the effect of Medicine Effect Range Expansion (Small)?
  136. If the range increases it will be too useful.
  137. It seems to be able to produce a similar effect of the medicine up to 1 meter of the surroundings.
  138. Just how much potential is hidden within this shield.
  139. But, with this range it will hardly be useful in combat. I'm considering clustering people up within 1 Meter, unless the effect diminishes.
  140. "I'll explain the story later! The medicine has an effective radius of 1 Meter when drunk. Gather up!"
  141. "O-Okay!"
  142. Because manpower is insufficient, the patients were carried into the vicinity by Firo and Raphtalia.
  143. This will save medicine, the treatment of the isolation facility was finished quite early.
  144. But..... It only suppresses the symptoms. I am unable to completely cure the sickness.
  145. "Is this the limit of the treatment medicine......"
  146. "Thank you very much!"
  147. Even though I was thanked while being unable to fix the situation, I do not feel satisfied.
  148. The risk of being infected becomes apparently and I can't exterminate the sickness.
  149. "That reminds me, where did this sickness come from? was there an epidemic or something? This is no ordinary disease."
  150. this illness is quite formidable for the treatment medicine to only be this effective.
  151. There is also a risk that we are infected.
  152. We might have to flee as quickly as possible.
  153. "Umm...... It seems the treatment master found that the cause is from a demon that lives within the mountains"
  154. "give me the details."
  155. "Then, he......"
  156. A treatment master is an occupation that is proficient in recovery magic and medicine, quite similar to a docter in my world.
  157. The treatment master was compounding medicine to combat the illness, and came by the isolation facility to help out.
  158. "You, can you make High Class treatment medicine?"
  159. "Yes. I am working on it now. Due to your help with the saint medicine I can get back to work on it."
  160. "Hurry it up, the treatment isn't complete yet. they will relapse sooner or later"
  161. "O-okay!"
  162. "Wait"
  163. I stop the treatment master who is about to run.
  164. "I heard you explained the cause of this sickness is from the mountains. Explain."
  165. "Ah yes. About a month ago Hero of the Sword-sama got rid of a huge dragon in the mountain range territory."
  166. Speaking of which, I heard that rumour too.
  167. "Dragons usually make a stronghold in rural areas. But this dragon was a straggler and build his nest near the village."
  168. "What does that have to do with anything?"
  169. "At one time, the villagers gathered to watch the feat of the Hero. So the adventurers go up the mountain and brought back the materials of the dragon that Hero-sama defeated."
  170. It seems that excellent weapons or armour can be made with the materials of a dragon......
  171. Quite enviable.
  172. "then?"
  173. "Here is the main issue. All the good material was taken. and this deserted village was lively again thanks to it. However..... the corpse of the dragon began to rot and a problem appeared. the adventurers who went to see the corpse got sick."
  174. ".....understood. Is the corpse the cause of this illness?"
  175. "Most likely......"
  176. Although all the materials of the dragon were taken, the corpse was left.
  177. The meat. If the dragon rots then what's affected will be the neighbourhood.
  178. Some gourmets may want it, but adventurers have no use for decaying meat.
  179. though I have no idea how dragon meat is treated in this world. It might be delicious but we don't know.
  180. The entrails left behind. Especially the liver, will rot easily.
  181. Ren that bastard seems to be after the materials, so the entrails are discarded.
  182. There's also the heart...... It probably works very well with magic.
  183. "Since the cause is know, you should quickly dispose of it."
  184. "Removal is impossible for the farmers of this neighbourhood..... The mountain range is infested by evil demons."
  185. "then ask some adventurers"
  186. "By the time we noticed the ecosystem of the mountains changed dramatically and poison was mixed into the air. any common adventurer gets sick immediately; Moreover, adventurers were warned not to approach due to the epidemic."
  187. Sigh......
  188. Ren that guy, dispose of the corpse properly.
  189. Ren is the youngest hero.
  190. I didn't know things rot, until I was a high school student.
  191. Besides, that guy is the Hero most familiar with games.
  192. Even if it is a product of Science Fiction called VRMMO.
  193. It can be said that it is hard to tell the difference between a game and real life, this result seems to have been uninevitable.
  194. "Saint-sama, what will you do?"
  195. "Did you report to the country?"
  196. "Yes. Medicine is scheduled to arrive shortly."
  197. "......what about the heroes?"
  198. "there is little possibility of them appearing because they are busy."
  199. He seems to be referring to Motoyasu and Ren.
  200. It is unbearably provoking.
  201. "Has the request fee to the country already been paid?"
  202. "Yes....."
  203. "Can you get it back if you cancel it?"
  204. The treatment master looks at me with wide open eyes.
  205. "Is the saint-sama going to go?"
  206. "How long will it be until you finish the medicine anyway?"
  207. "Uhm...... it should be in half a day."
  208. "Alright. I'll go get rid of the dragon corpse. Give the request fee to the country to me instead."
  209. "Un-Understood."
  210. Thus, we went to dispose of a dragon corpse in a mountain.